The genius of our nation is found in our local communities – people who are experiencing the problems working together to solve those problems, rather than in a newly formed bureaucracy in Washington, D.C. Education occurs where a parent, teacher, and child interact! Jobs are created when the local talent and creativity of a local business owner is unleashed! Safe communities are created where neighbors come together to reclaim their streets and partner with responsive law enforcement!

Too often these issues are nationalized funneling money, and thereby power, to Washington, D.C. Federal monies should come without strings attached, and better yet, more monies need to remain in our community. Here is where the solutions are found!

Our city has a longstanding history and rich future, but it will take a multi generational outlook to get there.

It takes the Monarch Butterfly four generations to complete a single migration. Simple present action with a future focus.

Education occurs where a parent, teacher, and child interact; by cutting red tape we can return decision-making to parents and teachers at the local level.

Support our law enforcement, strengthen families, and address mental health challenges to alleviate pressures on our officers and ensure public safety.

Foster small business development, harness the potential of our downtown and riverfront areas, and overcome dependency hurdles to equip families with lasting opportunities.

Enhance James River water quality to safeguard community health and create opportunities for recreation and employment. Respecting this natural resource will invigorate local businesses and encourage innovative water-centric enterprises and attractions.

Government transparency is essential for community participation which fosters sustainable solutions and economic growth. A community Thanksgiving celebration, holding select city council meetings in the different wards, and strategic local outreach can help foster multi-generational community involvement.

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